Alabama Airmarking
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| Organization of Women Pilots
The Ninety-Nines carry on the tradition started by Ninety-Nine Phoebe Omlie back in 1933 as part of the Special Assistant for Air Intelligence of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics – NACA (forerunner of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration – NASA.) directive. The Ninety-Nines fulfill the need for airmarkings by volunteering their time to paint the airport names, compass rose symbols and other identifications on airports. Some letters in the airport’s name can be 50 feet tall. The Ninety-Nines airmark airports are based on need, which often takes them far from their local areas.
Since The Ninety-Nines is a charitable organization, we usually ask the airport or local or state government to supply the paint. Some airport businesses will also supply the paint. Usually, the chapter will provide rollers and tools for the women and men to mark and paint.
If you have any questions about airmarking, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the SE Section Airmarking Chairman.
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